Wednesday, October 13, 2010

sail boat sketch

quickly drew this today since i needed something to post...yay. bye.
o ya and was paging through this kids book of poems looking for a pic to draw and found this Very strange poem that made me laugh due to the random moral:)
here tis
"SISTER, sister, go to bed!
Go and rest your weary head."
Thus the prudent brother said.

"Do you want a battered hide,
Or scratches to your face applied?"
Thus his sister calm replied.

"Sister, do not raise my wrath.
I'd make you into mutton broth
As easily as kill a moth"

The sister raised her beaming eye
And looked on him indignantly
And sternly answered, "Only try!"

Off to the cook he quickly ran.
"Dear Cook, please lend a frying-pan
To me as quickly as you can."

And wherefore should I lend it you?"
"The reason, Cook, is plain to view.
I wish to make an Irish stew."

"What meat is in that stew to go?"
"My sister'll be the contents!"
"You'll lend the pan to me, Cook?"

Moral: Never stew your sister. 
Lewis Carroll
(that was the actual moral!LOL so kids never stew ur siblings!i know u were thinking of it but just follow the moral k?) :D

1 comment:

  1. SNORT! okay well this poem has helpd me make the right choices today such as choosing to not stew my was a hard temptation believe me:'( great thanks to your moral lesson!;P
