Yay finaly im done painting this!!! whoever still loves fairytales say 'cheers':) (and ya i do know that i made a spelling mistake in the painting..but if u know me u'll know that that's not unusual)
Quick drew and colored this...was gona paint it but pencil crayons seemed much easier...aaanyhow bye:)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
this is a drawing of someone when they were younger and id tell you who but ud be like HA it does NOt look like her at all so lol i just wont tell you and therefore u cant judge:) i didnt like how it turned out obviously..but ya anyway hope u all are having a wonderful day! x0x0
hey everybody! i have nothing to say bout this pic of mine...but u shud definetly check out my brothers drawing for today!!!its OSM!!!http://binarysoda.blogspot.com/
here is a little cuddly monster i painted today...
and here is a funny saying i found today Don’t think of yourself as an ugly person…..think of yourself as a beautiful monkey
lol cracketh me up!!!still laughing:D
now that we know this no one will ever have to feel bad bout themselves
hehe it doesnt actualy pertain to any of u at all but yeah isnt it halarious!:D
!k have a osm day!
she has some problems but just try and ingore them...she was supposed to be pursing her lips but it dont look majorly like it...so yaaa watevah...later:) p.s. if ur wondering why the pic is so small its cause im kinda embarressed with how it turned out:/